Holland Agri Foods privacy policy
Holland Agri Foods processes personal data of clients, employees and (supply chain) partners. Holland Agri Foods collects personal data mainly from clients in order to ensure that it can properly provide its services. Clients should be able to trust that Holland Agri Foods handles their personal data carefully and safely. Holland Agri Foods also keeps up with recent developments. Requirements for data and privacy protection are continually changing because of new technological developments, innovative amenities, globalisation and the increase of digital services. Holland Agri Foods is aware of this and ensures that privacy remains safeguarded by, among other things, taking measures in the field of information security, data minimisation, transparency and user verification.
The management plays a key role in safeguarding privacy. With these regulations, Holland Agri Foods sets a clear direction for its privacy policy and shows that it is committed to safeguarding, protecting and maintaining privacy. These regulations apply to the entire organisation; all processes, subsidiaries, objects and data collections of Farmel. These privacy regulations are in accordance with Holland Agri Foods general policy and the relevant local, regional, national and European laws and regulations.
Legal frameworks for the handling of data
Holland Agri Foods is responsible for drawing up, executing and enforcing these regulations. The following legal frameworks, among others, apply to this:
The Personal Data Protection Act (WBP)1, which was replaced by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on 25 May 2018 The General Data Protection Regulation Implementation Act Principles
Holland Agri Foods handles personal data in a safe manner and respects the privacy of data subjects. In doing so, Holland Agri Foods will abide by the following principles:
Lawfulness, properness, transparency
Personal data are processed in accordance with statutory provisions and in a proper, careful manner.
Grounds and purpose limitation
Holland Agri Foods ensures that personal data are solely collected and processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. Personal data will only be processed based on legal grounds.
Data minimisation
Holland Agri Foods will only process the minimum amount of personal data necessary for the specified goal. Holland Agri Foods aims to limit data processing to a minimum. Where possible, it will process less personal data or none at all.
Retention period
Personal data will not be retained longer than necessary. Holland Agri Foods may be required to retain personal data to be able to properly provide its services or to comply with legal obligations. Retention periods have been recorded in a separate document.
Integrity and confidentiality
Personal data are handled carefully and treated confidentially by Holland Agri Foods. Personal data will only be processed by persons under an obligation of confidentiality and solely for the purpose for which they were collected. To protect personal data, Holland Agri Foods will take measures that meet legal requirements at the very least. These protection measures are recorded in the information security policy.
Sharing with third parties
In case of collaborations with third parties in which processing of personal data takes place, Holland Agri Foods enters into agreements (in writing) on the requirements that apply to the data exchange and subprocessing. These agreements comply with statutory provisions.
Intrusion on the privacy of the client (data subject) is limited as much as possible in achieving the purpose for which the personal data are processed.
The effect on the interests of data subjects must not be disproportionate to the purpose for which the personal data are processed
Rights of data subjects
Holland Agri Foods accepts all statutory rights of data subjects at the minimum. These privacy regulations will come into effect after approval of the management team. With the release of these privacy regulations as of 25 May 2018, the old regulations will come to expire. The regulations will be evaluated every two years and amended if necessary. Any amendments to these regulations will be announced on the Holland Agri Foods website. You can find the most recent version of the regulations here as well.